Summer Series Live
July 9, 2023 - July 30, 2023
Summer is known for live music and concerts... and now sermons! In this special four-week series, there will be a live speaker each week across all of our campuses. Hear from Ayren Nelson, Dave Lanuti, Clay Burgess, and Duane Calvin as they go on "tour" teaching about a biblical story or character that has personally impacted them.
Experience God for Yourself | Ayren Nelson
We all have a picture of Jesus in our heads… what’s your version of Him? Do you have certain expectations? Do you really KNOW Him? Have you experienced God for yourself? In week one of our new series, Summer Series Live, Ayren Nelson invites us to come and see Jesus for who He really is.
Don't Lose Heart | Dave Lanuti
Don’t lose heart! In this touching message, Marriage Pastor Dave Lanuti shares how the worst thing you could ever imagine can actually become the greatest gift you ever receive.
Jonah: A Story of Second Chances | Duane Calvin
For a follower of Jesus, the most important assignment in life is to find and follow God’s will. But to be honest, God sometimes calls us to do things that we don’t want to do. In his message based on the Book of Jonah, Raleigh Campus Pastor Duane Calvin shares about his journey from disobedience to obedience and reminds us that God is a God of second chances.
Encountering Jesus | Clay Burgess
A change of heart rarely happens by our own efforts, but a true encounter with Jesus will change even the roughest among us. Through the story of Zacchaeus, Director of Preaching and Theology Clay Burgess reminds us that no one is too far gone.