This Week's Study Guide

‘Trust Issues’ Week 2: Restoring Trust

Message-based study guide for small groups. Looking for past study guides, click here

Main Idea     

If we are going to build trust in the church, we need to choose forgiveness and reconciliation.


What is something in your life that you are grateful for? What is something you are grieving?


How can we pray for you and/or your family?

Spend some time praying together as the Holy Spirit leads..


Take turns reading Philemon together as a group.
• What did you observe about the issues that threatened to hurt the church in this letter?
• How did Paul model trust in the Gospel by the way he pursued reconciliation?
• What outcomes did he pray would result from working through the conflict in a Christ-like way?
• What is most challenging to you about building trust in the church?
• How do you think you could model forgiveness and reconciliation more in your life?



Pick someone in your group to read Matthew 5:1-12. Then, give everyone a moment to pause and pray about the following questions.

• What is a way you need God’s help in your life?
• What is a step you could you take to build up Jesus’ Church?

Then, break up into groups of 3-4 to share your reflections and spend time praying for each other as the Holy Spirit leads. Make sure to spend some time praying for people you know who are hurting and need the comfort
only the Holy Spirit can provide.

If you have any questions, please contact us at
Looking for a message-based study guide from a previous week? Find that here