We exist to lend support to current foster families and be a resource for those who are interested in taking the next step toward fostering. No matter where you are on this journey, you are not alone and we are here for you! Click below to get more information specific to your unique story.


We have many opportunities to get involved and support these families.


Fostering Hope would not be able to bless the families that we do without the support of our volunteers.

It has been incredible to see the impact that we can have when we come together for a worthy case, and we are excited at what the future holds for our Fostering Hope ministry. Click below to get involved and let us know you are interested in volunteering.


We currently have four ways people can jump in and make a difference in the lives of foster youth and their families in Wake County. After you have considered these roles, please email us and let us know which you’d love to hear more about, and someone from our team will reach out to you directly with next steps. 

Support Circles are matched up with a foster family and provide ongoing support by first forming a natural and trusted relationship with that family. Their purpose is to ensure foster parents know they are not alone and have a team of people cheering them on and showing up to support them when and where they need it most.

The Youth in the Building Team partners with the social workers and care aides who provide care for youth who are temporarily residing in the Wake County Child Welfare Office. Our most consistent engagement up to this point has been providing a team of volunteers willing to be ‘on call’ to pick up, wash, and return laundry for the youth who are waiting for a more permanent placement.

The Fast Response Team supports foster families and support circles when a quick response is needed. It’s important for those who serve on this team to see themselves as “on call.” When a need arises, the Fostering Hope team reaches out to this group to see if anyone is able to deliver something to a family or run an errand that is time sensitive. This is most commonly needed for brand new placements within foster families that do not yet have an active Support Circle.

The Fostering Hope General Volunteer Team has a wide range of opportunities, including serving as hosts and greeters for in-person experiences like foster family information meetings and reunification support groups as well as providing support for bigger initiatives like sorting and stuffing duffel bags for displaced youth entering into the care of a new family or facility.


The steps to become a foster family can be overwhelming, but we have great resources to help you get started!

Attend An Info Meeting

There are over 500 children currently in foster care in Wake County, but only a little over 100 licensed homes. If you have ever thought about becoming a foster parent, the need is there!

Join us for one of our Foster Parent Information Meetings hosted once every quarter on Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:00 p.m. in the Chapel at our Raleigh campus. You’ll have the opportunity to learn more about foster care, find out the steps you’ll need to take to become licensed to foster, and get answers to any questions you may have.

Our next info meetings will be on Wednesday, August 28, and Wednesday, October 23.

Guardian ad Litem

We are excited to partner with representatives from the Guardian ad Litem program to bring you a Zoom information session on March 6 at 6:30 p.m. 

A Guardian ad Litem is a trained community volunteer and key player within the foster care system. This vital role is filled by caring people just like you!

Our hour together will be spent learning more about the role of a Guardian ad Litem and allow you to ask any questions you may have about the Foster Care System.

Fostering Hope + Wake County

We work closely with Wake County to help families through the process of becoming fosters! Wake County offers Foster Parent Information Meetings on a monthly basis. If you’re unable to make it to our scheduled meetings, or if you don’t want to have to wait until one comes around, click below for more info!


We know being a foster family comes with challenges, big and small. We’re here to help in any way that we can.

How Can We Support You?

We have an amazing team of Fostering Hope volunteers who would love to come alongside you and support your family. If you need help, click below to get in touch with us.

The Hope Closet

The Hope Closet is an appointment-based resource for families who can benefit from some additional support as they work to meet the unique needs of their children and/or foster children. Closet resources include items specific to infant and toddler care as well as basic clothing and hygiene supplies for all ages of children.*

To utilize this resource and help us truly serve you best, please follow the link below to fill out the information form and schedule your time to visit. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at hopecloset@gethope.net. We look forward to serving you!

*Accepting donations! Click here to view the Amazon wishlist.


Often when children are removed from their homes, it happens quickly and there’s no time to pack. It’s typical for kids to enter foster care with a few items in a trash bag—and that’s it! Thank you to everyone who picked up a bag and filled it for a child in foster care so when this happens, they will have the items that they need!

Your Impact

We are grateful for your support of our Fostering Hope Bag Initiative. Each donation, big or small, helps to meet the needs of these children and the families caring for them.

Are you

Interested in Fostering?

Join us for one of our quarterly Foster Parent Information Meetings hosted quarterly in the Chapel at the Raleigh campus. You’ll have the opportunity to learn more about foster care, find out the steps you’ll need to take to become licensed to foster, and get answers to all your questions. Click below to view upcoming dates and to let us know you’re coming. 

Can't wait to

Get Started?

Wake County offers Foster Parent Information Meetings on a monthly basis. Due to COVID, these meetings were moved online and those who were interested could attend virtually. If you’re unable to make it to Hope’s scheduled meetings, or if you don’t want to have to wait until one comes around, click below for more info.

Your Generosity in Action

Each week, Wake County Human Services continues to bless youth and families connected to foster care with the duffle bags that Hope’s people so graciously filled last spring. Here at Hope, we have also had the opportunity to welcome foster families to shop at our Fostering Hope supply closet. The closet is stocked with leftover supplies from both the duffle bag and Project Classroom initiatives. It’s been incredible to see the impact we can have when we come together for a worthy cause, and we are excited at what the future holds for our Fostering Hope ministry. 

We have reopened our Fostering Hope closet at a more central location to better serve families where they are. Click below and sign up to shop at the Raleigh campus, located at 821 Buck Jones Road.