Welcome to our

Garner Campus


9:30 a.m. + 11:15 a.m.

Garner Campus Location

Garner Magnet High School

2101 Spring Drive
Garner, NC 27529

NEW TO GARNER CAMPUS?  Join us for the next meet and greet! Click here for details.

Welcome to our

Garner Campus

Hope is excited to be part of the community of Garner. We are currently holding services at Garner Magnet High School. Be sure to follow the Hope signs to get you to the correct entrance, located next to the auditorium. We have an amazing parking team that will help you find the perfect spot to park your car.

We look forward to welcoming you!

START BUILDING COMMUNITY!  Click here to connect on Facebook.

This holiday season we partnered with Community of Hope—a Christian nonprofit organization that has been meeting tangible needs in Garner for decades.

Special thanks to everyone who donated, served and showed up to bless Garner families this holiday season. The hope and love of Christ that you shared will have lasting impact far beyond Christmas. THANK YOU!

Community of Hope

Sunday, Dec 9—Community of Hope is hosting the Christmas Miracle Mall.

Volunteers are needed for Dec 8 + 9. Sign up below!


Garner Campus Pastor

Shaun Sullivan

As the Garner Campus Pastor, Shaun oversees an amazing campus and a passionate staff focused on reaching the Garner, Clayton, and South Raleigh areas. Shaun grew up in Sneads Ferry, NC where he learned to play baseball and to find clams in the waterway under the bridge. He began to follow Jesus at 17 years old and pursued ministry shortly after and earned a Religion degree at East Carolina University in 2000. Shaun served 10 years in youth ministry, 7 years in a local coffee distribution company, and most recently 7 years as Hope’s Garner Area Pastor over small groups, community outreach, and discipleship. He loves spending time with his wife Heather and their 2 teen boys and enjoys loving and serving the Garner community as a family.


Select a ministry below for more info

6th - 8th Grade

9th - 12th Grade

Special Needs Ministry Logo

All Ages