Weekly Sermons
Partner Together.
It is tough for today’s families to keep up with the demands of life. School, jobs, church, homework, appointments, technology and activities fill our days. Family ministry is about the church and the family partnering together to help your family follow Jesus. The goal of family ministry is to minister to the entire family, regardless of their stage of life.
Nursery - Elementary
Middle School
High School
Families with Special Needs
Weekend Service Update
You don’t have to parent alone. Please understand, no one has more potential to impact your child or student than you. But one of the greatest ways you can impact the life of your child is to become intentional about partnering with others who can also have influence with your child. Hope wants to partner with you to impact the next generation.
In order to keep the priorities of God first, spouse second, children and jobs to follow, we need to keep our focus on God. It is our wish to come alongside you as you keep your marriage healthy and grow in your relationship with Jesus.
Family Ministry Newsletter
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conversation starters and links to great resources?