Hope Where You Are

Our vision is to reach 100,000 people with the hope of Jesus in the next five years. Hope Where You Are is our plan to better position ourselves to love people where they are by expanding our reach throughout the Triangle. Through Hope Where You Are, we built our Apex campus, launched a campus in Garner, invested in digital discipleship, and supported local and global initiatives.

Your above and beyond gift to Hope Where You Are in 2023 will help launch and sustain ministry operations at our Fuquay campus and keep it running through 2024 and beyond.

Through your faithfulness in the past we’ve been able to reach the Triangle and help change the world. Let’s do it again. 

Your Giving in Action

Through the Hope Where You Are campaign and your above and beyond gifts, we’ve been able to take big steps to reach the triangle and change the world.

What started out as a small gathering in Holly Springs, flourished into Hope’s Apex campus. Watch this video of the Yoder family, who was a part of the Apex campus launch seven years ago.

Why We Give

We believe that the Bible is the ultimate source of truth guiding the way we live as Christ followers. The Bible tells us that giving is an act of worship and obedience that honors and glorifies God.

Why We Give​

We believe that the Bible is the ultimate source of truth guiding the way we live as Christ followers. The Bible tells us that giving is an act of worship and obedience that honors and glorifies God.

As an Act of Worship

Through the Bible, God tells us to give regularly, generously and sacrificially and to give out of all that He gives us as part of our worship of Him.

Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops. | Proverbs 3:9

As an Act of Obedience

God doesn’t need what we have but what we do with what we have directs our heart. Giving to God reminds us that everything we have comes from Him and we can trust Him to meet our needs. The Church is God’s plan, through Jesus, to bring healing, support and encouragement to one another. We give to advance the ‘big C’ Church through Jesus’ ministry.

Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need. | Malachi 3:10


As an Act of Worship

Through the Bible, God tells us to give regularly, generously and sacrificially and to give out of all that He gives us as part of our worship of Him. Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops. | Proverbs 3:9

As an Act of Obedience

God doesn’t need what we have but what we do with what we have directs our heart. Giving to God reminds us that everything we have comes from Him and we can trust Him to meet our needs. The Church is God’s plan, through Jesus, to bring healing, support and encouragement to one another. We give to advance the ‘big C’ Church through Jesus’ ministry. Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need. | Malachi 3:10

Ways to Give

We believe giving should be simple. Here are some ways to give.

Give Online

Giving online is simple, secure, and the easiest way to support Hope financially. Make a single donation or set up regular giving using your checking account, debit, or credit card.

Check or Cash

Drop your gift in an offering box outside any of our auditoriums.

Mail a Gift

Hope Community Church
Attn: Accounting
821 Buck Jones Road
Raleigh NC, 27606

Give Stock

Fill out our simple Stock Donation Form.

Planned Giving

As you plan for your estate, you may designate Hope Community Church as a beneficiary. This type of giving can be done through retirement accounts, a will and trust or life insurance. Contact us for more information.

Where the Money Goes

When you give to Hope, you can chose which fund your gift goes to. Here’s a little more info about what each fund does.

General Ministry

Consistent giving provides funding stability so we can continue to serve our local community and support our local partners. General Ministry giving does much more than keep the lights on at our campuses, it funds all our ministry efforts for kids, adults, and our local outreach and global mission partners.

Hope Where You Are

We are excited that your above and beyond giving to Hope Where You Are in 2023 raised nearly $700,00 to launch and sustain ministry operations at our Fuquay campus and keep it running through 2024 and beyond.

More information on where God is calling us through Hope Where You Are will be announced next year.

Make Your Money Count

Online giving processing fees add up when multiplied by large amounts and over hundreds of gifts a month. You can make your money count by selecting the online giving option with the lowest possible fee. (We recommend Bank draft with a fee of only 1% of your total gift.)


Bank draft


Debit cards


Credit cards



Financial Accountability

If you want to learn more about our financial operating principles, quarterly and yearly budget and more, click here. Financial transparency and accountability are incredibly important to us. We strive to honor God’s gifts through wise and faithful stewardship and ethical business practices.

See your generosity in action. Read our monthly giving email.