In the Wilderness
October 30, 2022 - December 18, 2022
Sometimes life’s interruptions are actually invitations to something more. It’s in the quiet of the wilderness where we’re finally able to hear God speak to us. In this seven-week series, we’ll take a look at some of the major players from the Bible and how God used time in the wilderness to change the course of their lives forever.
Wander With Purpose | Chase Gardner
So many heroes of the faith spent time in the wilderness. In fact, it appears that the wilderness is the very place God brings the people He loves. In week one of the series, Chase Gardner reminds us that there is always a purpose for the times we find ourselves in the wilderness.
Trust in the Unseen | Chase Gardner
Have you ever felt abandoned by God, alone and fearful? You’ve stepped out in faith and you’re doing all the right things, but you still find yourself stuck in the wilderness—what gives? This week, Chase Gardner will help us see that God hasn’t forgotten us. Together, we’ll find some answers through the story of Abraham and the promises God has made.
God Provides | Chase Gardner
We spend so much time trying to avoid suffering that we sometimes miss the fact that going through the hard things is actually what makes us stronger and wiser and better—It’s what helps us thrive. In week three of the series, Chase Gardner uses the story of Moses to show us that the things we often want God to protect us from are the very things He uses to shape and mold us. It’s in these wilderness times when we learn to rely not on our own wisdom, power, or strength, but instead to rely on God.
God is Sufficient | Chase Gardner
Why do we struggle to grab ahold of something we think is so important? Maybe we feel empty, or maybe it’s because we think our lives will finally have meaning. But when we get that one thing, is it ever enough or do we start to fight for the next big thing? In week four of the series, Teaching Pastor Chase Gardner shares how we can be made complete in God.
Prepared for the Promise | Ayren Nelson
Wouldn’t it be great if we could just skip to the good part? Movies we watch and books we read—even Bible stories—can make it seem like people skip to the promise in a matter of minutes or chapters. But a single chapter often represents decades of struggle. If you’re feeling like you’re in a place that doesn’t seem to match the promise you expected, you might be trying to fast-track your way there. In week five, Ayren Nelson shares the story of David who—even in the midst of the wilderness—trusted that it was all a part of God’s plan.
Strength Through Weakness | Duane Calvin
The wilderness is a tough place to be, mostly because it’s in the wilderness that our weakness is fully exposed. Because we’re forced to rely on God in hard times, these can actually be the very places where we find strength. In week six of the series, Duane Calvin shares about Jesus’ time in the wilderness and 3 lessons that can helps us find strength through weakness.
Pave the Way | Chase Gardner
John the Baptist paved the way for Jesus. His whole purpose was to prepare people for His coming, so it’s only fitting that the last week of the series (and the last message we’ll hear before Christmas this year) is all about him. In week seven, Chase Gardner shares about the final wilderness wanderer of the series and what we can learn from him about the Christmas season.