This Verse Changed My Life
August 21 – September 4
If you’ve spent any time in the Bible, you probably have a favorite verse—one that jumps out at you or really speaks to something going on in your life. In this series, we’ll hear from three different speakers about the verses that affected them in profound ways to encourage all of us.
Faith Over Fear: How Psalm 29 Changed My Life
In this message, Chase Gardner explains how even when times are rough in our lives, God is always over the storms we face.
God’s Great Gift: How John 3:16 Changed My Life
In this message, Duane Calvin shares how John 3:16 changed his life and how it has the power to change yours.
Jesus Wants the Real You: How 2 Corinthians 12 Changed My Life
In this message, Ben Foote shares how we can be free from living a life of pretend!