June 12 - June 26, 2022
Worship is simply a statement of the things you assign value to. It’s more than a song. It’s more than one day a week. Worship is a lifestyle. It’s a choice that we make, every day of the week—at home, at work, and in the moments when we’re alone. Worshiping God is a response to His unending promise. It’s an outward expression of praise to the One who gave us everything we have. In this three-week series, we'll unpack the true meaning of worship.
Week 1: What is Worship?
Jim Burgen recaps the Old Testament and the history of worship. We learn that worship is a way of life and that when we live our lives in daily worship, those who are far from God will not be able to deny Him.
Week 2: Worship = Love Better
Albert Tate unpacks 1 Corinthians 13 and reminds us that as true, wholehearted, fully-devoted worshipers of God, our worship inevitably should be marked by love.
Week 3: What Shapes Your Worth?
All of us have something that shapes our sense of worth—and if it’s not God, what is it? Léonce Crump shares what our worship reveals about where we draw our sense of worth, how it impacts the way we live, and how to prioritize it in every aspect of your life.