This Week's Study Guide
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Foundations of the Faith: Week 3

Message-based study guide for small groups

Main Idea     

Rather than looking for the right things in the wrong places, Jesus invites us to heal through trusting and following Him.   



Have you ever had a moment when you’ve gotten lost before? How did you find your way back to the right place?  



What is a current celebration and challenge in your life right now?  (1–2-minute version) 



Read Matthew 2:14-17 and discuss:  

  • What stands out to you most about Jesus and what He wants for our lives? 

  • How did Jesus make an impact on Matthew? What was his life like before and after He encountered Jesus?  

  • How has the truth that Jesus came “not for the healthy, but for the sick” made a difference in your life?  

  • In your own words, what does it mean to you to be a disciple of Jesus?  


Pick someone to read Matthew 11:28-30 and discuss. 

  • How do you need to receive Jesus’ invitation to come to Jesus to find rest in this season of your life? 

  • What is a way you tend to look for the “right thing in the wrong place”? What would it look like for you to trust and follow Jesus instead? 


As a group together, spend time praying together as the Holy Spirit to experience the healing and peace Jesus offers.  



Before you close, challenge your group to do an experiment together this week:   

  • Do a prayer walk every day on your own to practice “walking with Jesus” to talk with Him about your life and pray for others.  

  • Next week, we will plan to talk about what you learned from the experience.  

If you have any questions, please contact us at
Looking for a message-based study guide from a previous week? Find that here