Reflection + Resources: Marriage
House of Cards | 10.31.2021
As the Scriptures say, “A man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.” This is a great mystery, but it is an illustration of the way Christ and the church are one.
Ephesians 5:31-32
- In what ways has the world’s view rather than God’s Word shaped your vision of marriage?
- How do you need the Gospel in your life and/or marriage right now?
- If you are married, what kind of story is your marriage telling?
- How do you feel challenged to have your life and/or marriage tell more of Jesus’ story?
Spend some time in silent prayer with God. You can use the PRAY acronym below to guide you.
- P: Praise – Spend some time thanking God for who He is in your life.
- R: Real life – Spend some time engaging God about your real needs and concerns.
- A: Ask – Ask for God’s provision, love, and power to be made known to people in your life.
- Y: Your will – Spend some time being silent and listening for God’s direction.
“Father, thank You for showing me what love really looks like through Jesus and loving me when I am a mess! Help me to develop Your vision of marriage and tell Your story of redemption through my life, whether I am married or single. Help me to trust You are the One who meets my deepest needs for love, acceptance, and forgiveness. Give me the grace to show my spouse and others the same grace, forgiveness, and sacrificial love you have shown me. Amen.”
The Parent Hub: Resources to help you talk about God’s view of healthy relationships
Books and Additional Resources on Marriage from a Christ-Centered Perspective: