Why Am I Running?
April 16, 2023 - May 14, 2023
Often the things we’re running from are the things we should be running to. So if you feel like you're running, ask yourself why. In this 5-week series, we’ll explore some foundational truths to help keep our feet planted when the world tells us to run.
Week 1: The Reasons We Run From God | Chase Gardner
As humans, we’re natural runners. When life gets hard, we’re trained to run—from responsibility or commitment or change or discomfort. We also tend to run from God… but why? In week one of the series, Teaching Pastor Chase Gardner helps us understand why we run and why we may need to rethink the direction we’re running.
Week 2: What Is Sin? | Chase Gardner
What is sin? And how does God really feel about it? Once we understand these truths, we’ll realize that God as defined in His word, isn’t who people usually run away from. In week two, Chase Gardner shares biblical truths about 3 hard realities of a sinful and broken world.
Week 3: Remember the Cross | Ayren Nelson
How often do you take time to remember the cross? It’s easy to think the things we have are things we’ve earned—it’s the American dream, right? In week 3, Ayren Nelson reminds us not to lose sight of the fact that Jesus paid a debt he didn’t earn to give us a life we don’t deserve.
Week 4: Why Do We Need Faith? | Duane Calvin
Why do we need faith? Or better yet, how can we have a genuine faith that is active and thriving and pleasing to God—a faith that is unwavering even when life gets difficult and our stories get challenging? Culture tells us to run from that type of faith, but in week 4, Duane Calvin shares why a life of faith is what we should be running to.
Week 5: Be the Church | Jason Gore
Even if we aren’t running from the church, we can still miss what it’s really meant to be. The truth is, for church to be a place the world runs to, its people first need to be willing to run to the world. In the final week of the series, Lead Pastor Jason Gore reminds us that the church at its core is just the imperfect people of God on a mission to reach the world.